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Yellow fever vectors’ surveillance in three satellite communities of Enugu Municipality, Nigeria
vectors, while locally adapted CDC (Centre for Disease Control) ovitraps were used to collect their eggs. Also, house inspection to detect the breeding index of vector populations in and around the houses was undertaken. Results of house inspections in the three communities showed that out of sixty (60) houses visited, 385 containers were found with water, 221 (57.6%) water containers had Aedes larvae with Uwani-Uboji and Obe communities having 83.5% and 53.8% of their water containers with
Aedes larvae. For the ovitraps, Nkalagu had an average of 22 eggs per trap. There were high numbers of Aedes africanus adults in the human bait collections at Obe and Uwani-Uboji communities. Aedes albopictus was amongst other mosquito species collected.