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Breeding of Aedes albopictus Skuse (Diptera: Culicidae) in water-holding containers around residential houses in Enugu, south-eastern Nigeria
of adult mosquitoes, with humans acting as baits, was employed for the study. Environmental inspection and collection of larvae in the water-holding containers around the buildings were used to study the breeding sites of the mosquitoes. A total of 73 adult mosquitoes, made up of Aedes albopictus (76.71%) and A. aegypti (23.29%) were collected through human-baited collections. A plot of hourly collections revealed two major peaks corresponding to the feeding periods in the morning and late afternoon hours. Graphic representation of hourly collections of A.
albopictus trailed very closely to the total hourly collections. 207 larvae, made up of A. albopictus (84.54%) and A. aegypti (15.46%) were collected. Except for two larvae collected from water collections in a polythene sheet, A. albopictus were collected exclusively from water collections in fairly used heavy-duty vehicle tyres displayed in the open for sale in front of the buildings. The need for a strict surveillance and control is suggested to protect human lives from this fast-colonizer, avid-biter and highly anthropophilic mosquitoes.