This paper provided a concise overview of the implementation of the Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets in Nigeria between May 2009 and 2013. The concept of the campaign was to saturate every state with Long Lasting Insecticidal Nets (LLINs) to achieve 100% ownership and at least 80% utilization, and targeted all population at risk (97% of the total population) using set of methodologies and tools developed for the distribution of over 64 million LLINs through Universal Coverage campaigns strategy. The report of the campaign showed that a total of 57,773,191 of the planned 64,064,949 LLINs were distributed in the 36 states and FCT, representing 90.2% of the total National target. In conclusion, the review established that the implementation of the LLINs campaigns in Nigeria were successful despite the challenges encountered. The well mobilized beneficiaries turned out en-mass to collect the nets at the designated Distribution Points in the communities in the states but results of the end process monitoring
indicated that there was low to moderate use of the nets in most communities due to the general fear of the people about the safety of the nets, hotness of the nets and other reasons. This calls for community mobilization activities on net hanging and use to be vigorously carried out by the State in collaboration with the LGAs and CBOs in all communities to ensure sustained net use culture.