Aims  and  scope  of  the  Journal Nigerian Journal of Parasitology is the official organ of the Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria. The Journal is devoted primarily to pure and applied research and provides a medium for the rapid publication of investigations in all aspects of Parasitology. The Journal will publish original researches and technical studies carried out in the country, as well as works and documents from elsewhere which are of interest to Nigeria or empirical configuration.

A. Types of contributions

Nigerian Journal of Parasitology publishes the following kinds of papers:

  • Original Research
  • Reviews
  • Opinions/Viewpoint
  • Short Communication

on parasitology and public health (epidemiology, entomology, veterinary parasitology, animal parasitology, vector biology, disease prevention, molecular and biochemical parasitology, drug test, diagnostics parasitology, control, socio-medicine and international health).

B. Instruction to contributors

To accelerate publication of any paper, the following editorial instructions and policies, as stated in the Checklist for Authors, should be strictly followed when submitting manuscripts for consideration.

C. Invited Paper

The text should not exceed fifteen pages of A4 size in double-spaced typing. The references should be minimal. Tables and Figures are optional.

D. Letters to the Editor

This section will publish comments related to works recently published in the Journal. It will also accept works which, due to their shortness, do not constitute an original article. Letters should not exceed ten citations. The number of authors should not exceed six.

E. Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts should be presented in the following order and all pages numbered consecutively (Title Page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Material a n d M e t h o d s , R e s u l t s , D i s c u s s i o n , Acknowledgements and References. Author(s) should create a Running Title, that is, Short Title, after the Keywords on the Title Page. See Checklist for Authors for details.

F. Guidelines for creating Tables and Figures

Tables must be created with MS Word Table Tool. Do not use columns and tabs within word processing programme. Ensure that all vertical lines are removed. Tables created in any other formats will be returned to the author for proper formatting.

Figures (line graphs, charts, etc.)

For Figures, colour. Figures, symbols, lettering, and numbering should be clear and large enough to remain legible when reduced. Place figure keys within figure. Figures can be created using MS Excel, MS Word, etc. Make line drawings as simple as possible. Many computer-generated figures, e.g. three dimensional graphs and unusual symbols, cannot be reproduced satisfactorily when reduced and should therefore be avoided.

All figures must be saved as MS Word formats. Figures (images/photographs). Regardless of the application used, all electronic images and photographs must be saved and sent at a minimum of 600dpi. Please do not supply embedded images in your document. Send them as separate files. You can also send laser print images or photographs if electronic format is unavailable.

Author(s) are advised to adhere to these guidelines, as failure will delay the publication of accepted manuscripts.

G. References

List of references to articles in regular journals should contain (i) names of author(s), (ii) year of publication, (iii) full title of the article, (iv) full name of the journal (italicised), volume and page number. A very limited list of references will be preferred in order to save print spaces so as to publish more scholarly papers from other contributors. For books in references; surname of the author(s) should be followed by initials, year of publication, title of publication in italics, name of publisher; place of publication and number of pages. In case of proceedings, edited symposia, etc, name of author(s) should be followed by initials, year of publication, title of publication only in italics, name of publisher; place of publication and page number(s).

Contributors are implored to refer to the current volume of the journal for compliance in writing their references. The accuracy and correctness of the manuscripts, in all respect are the exclusive responsibilities of the author(s). The Journal’s format must be strictly adopted throughout, and author(s) should take great pain in editing and proof reading their own manuscripts to avoid undue delays or rejection.

The Journal however prefers to publish many short different articles in one volume than few excessively long ones in order to maintain the balance of subject matter and satisfy a large proportion of readers and contributors.

All works accepted for publication become the property of the Nigerian Journal of Parasitology.

Published works should not be reproduced in total or in part without a written permission from the Publisher. Works which have been previously published, or simultaneously submitted to other journals will not be accepted.

H. Accepted Manuscripts

Manuscripts should be submitted online to after payment of processing fee of N6,000 (Nigeria), Free (International) to PARASIT and PSN. EDU. TRUST FUND, GTB

0033301607 at Guaranty Trust Bank Plc. Scanned bank teller should accompany the manuscript when submitting online to the journal email address.

Authors would be charged a publication fee depending on the number of pages at N10,000 per page. This is inevitable if the important contributions of this Journal towards the promotion of human welfare are to be pursued.

Fee information
Manuscript Processing fee: N6,000 (Nigeria), Free (International)
Manuscript Publication fee: N10,000 per page

N3,500 in Nigeria and USD100 elsewhere. 
N5,000 for corporate bodies and libraries excluding postages.

Peer review explanation:
The Journal operates a robust peer review process to ensure the quality and validity of the published research. All submitted manuscripts undergo a double-blind peer review, conducted by experts in the relevant field. Reviewers are selected based on their expertise and adherence to ethical guidelines, ensuring impartial evaluation and constructive feedback to authors. The peer review process strives to maintain confidentiality, objectivity, and fairness.

Reviewers Guidelines
There is simple form to guide reviewers in assessing manuscripts. Reviewers are expected to return their report within 10-20 days maximum, with recommendation to accept, revise or reject.

Example of Author’s Contribution

HOM and UFE conceptualized the study. HOM, UFE, GAD, and BSB designed the study. HOM, ONA, ABA and OOJ participated in fieldwork and data collection. HOM, ONA and OOJ performed the data analysis; HOM, ABA, OOJ and UFE interpreted the data. HOM prepared the first draft of the manuscript, reviewed by UFE, ABA and OOJ. All authors contributed to the development of the final manuscript and approved its submission.

Example of in-text citation

The control of schistosomiasis in sub-Saharan Africa, including Nigeria, is majorly through school- based mass drug administration with praziquantel [1,2] Although praziquantel remains the drug of choice for reducing morbidity due to schistosomiasis [3], however, several studies have shown that treatment, does not prevent reinfection, transmission, or elimination of the disease[4-6]. Rejection of school-based MDA with praziquantel is a significant issue that has resulted in low coverage of treatment for schistosomiasis control [3,6].

Example of Reference Listing Journal (Surname and initials of all authors)

  1. Lai, , Biedermann, P., Ekpo, U.F., Garba, A., Mathieu, E., Midzi, N., Mwinzi, P., N.'Goran, E.K., Raso, G., Assarie, R.K., Sacko, M., Schur, N., Talla, I., Tchuem Tchuenté, L.A., Touré, S., Winkler, M. S., Utzinger, J. and Vounatsou, P. (2015). The spatial distribution of schistosomiasis and treatment needs for sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and geostatistical meta-analysis. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 05/2015. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(15)00066-13
  2. Nduka, , Nebe, O.J., Njepuome, N., Dakul, D.A., Anagbogu, I.A., Ngege, E., Jacob, S.M., Nwoye, I.A., Nwankwo, U., Urude, R., Aliyu, S.M., Garba, A., Adamani, W., Nwosu, C., Clark, A., Mayberry, A., Mansiu, K., Nwobi, B., Isiyaka, S., Dixon, R., Adeoye, G.O. and Amuga, G.A. (2019). Epidemiological mapping of schistosomiasis and soil- transmitted helminthiasis for intervention strategies in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology 40 (2): 218-225.


  1. World Health Organization (2021). WHO guideline on control and elimination of human s G e n e v a , Switzerland: World Health Organization.
  2. Nwoke, E.B. (2018) Public Health Parasitology, Owerri, Nigeria: Milestone Publisher Limited Press.

Chapters in Books:

  1. Grenfell, T., Dietz, K., and Roberts, M.G. (1995) Modelling the immuno- epidemiology of macroparasites in naturally-fluctuating host populations. In Grenfell BT and Dobson AP (eds). Ecology of Infectious Diseases in Natural Populations. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 362-383.

PhD Theses (note: we will not accept MSc theses)

  1. Mogaji, H.O. (2019) Spatial epidemiology of soil-transmitted helminth infections and assessment of water, sanitation and hygiene resources in Ogun State, Nigeria. PhD thesis, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta,

Web resources and online publications

  1. Montresor, A., Crompton, D.W.T., Hall, , Bundy, D.A.P. and Savioli L. (1998) Guidelines  for   the   evaluation   of   soil- t r a n s m i t t e d h e l m i n t h i a s i s a n d schistosomiasis at the community level. Geneva: World Health Organization. 0665/63821/WHO_CTD_SIP_98.1.pdf;seq uence=1 (accessed 10 December 2021)


Example of a Cover Letter

1st February 2022 The Editor-in-Chief

Nigerian Journal of Parasitology Dear Sir,


We are pleased to submit for your review and consideration for publication our manuscript titled: "Schisto and Ladders: an innovative health education game for control of schistosomiasis in schoolchildren” in the Nigerian Journal of Parasitology (NJP). In this research, we designed and evaluated the potential and impact of an innovative health education board game called “Schisto and Ladders™” to promote behavioural changes among school children for transmission control of schistosomiasis in endemic communities. The game was designed after the popular “Snake and Ladders” game. It can be used to complement the current control of the diseases. The test results reported here are promising and would be interesting to readers of NJP. The manuscript has not been published nor would it be submitted for publication elsewhere as long as it is under consideration by NJP. We the authors declare no conflict of interest with regard to this manuscript. All authors declared that they have participated in the study and concur with the submission and subsequent revisions of the manuscript. Thank you.

Yours sincerely, Uwem Friday Ekpo

Dept of Pure and Applied Zoology Federal University of Agriculture PMB 2240 Abeokuta

Tel: +2348027555689


Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1117-4145
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