The groundwater development of Federal Low Cost Housing Estate Okeho involved the use of schlumberger vertical electrical sounding technique. The result of the survey showed that qualitatively three major curve types H, QH and KH were observed. The geoelectric layers range from 3 to 4 while the quantitative interpretation resulted in deducing layer parameters of 190-1103Ώm and 0.70-1.10m for the topsoil. The intermediate layer has layer resistivity of 93 -1590Ώm and thickness of 0.9-4.70m while the weathered basement has resistivity and thickness of 18-50Ώm and 6.0-10.4m. The bedrock resistivity range from 426-6284Ώm with an infinite thickness; the bedrock resistivity of less than 1000Ώm in this area and the weathered layer constitute the aquifer.
Keywords: aquifer occurrences, geoelectric parameters, sounding curves
Nigeria Journal of Pure and Applied Physics Vol. 4(1) 2005: 60-67