Impacts of solar activity on the total column ozone variation within an interval of four years (1993-1997) have been investigated at an equatorial station of Lagos (06°33' N, 03°21' E) Nigeria. The linear regression analysis shows a significant negative correlation between mean total column ozone and solar activity both at monthly level (r = -0.0652, r2 = 0.0043) and annual level (r = -0.2671, r2 = 0.07138). Significant negative correlation (r = -3798, r2 = 0.1375) exists between the two variables during low solar activity. The total column ozone decreases with increasing solar activity. Linear fits of the data were proposed. The data length needs to be extended and more data points created in equatorial regions.
(Nigeria Journal of Pure and Applied Physics: 2003 2 (1): 17-20)