A retrospective review of 2,216 deliveries at the labour ward of the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu was carried out for the period January 1, 1995 to December 31, 1996. The relationship between various maternal and neonatal biosocial factors and low birth weight incidence was examined. The incidence of LBW for the period was 12.64 percent with female preponderance [male: female ratio 1:1.33 (p <0.01)]. Maternal ages <20 years and ³35 years were associated with relatively high incidences of LBW. Other factors identified as risk factors for the delivery of LBW infants, included lack of antenatal care (p<0.001), female gender, grand multiparity and multiple gestation.
Nigerian Journal of Paediatrics 2002; 29:99-102.