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Epistaxis in Enugu: A 9 year review
Material and Method: Evaluation of patients included history taking, a clinical examination in a seated position. Treatment methods of management applied varied from simple anterior packs, chemical cauterization (Ag1NO3 ) electrocauterisation to the septum, insertion of Foley's catheter into the nasopharynx and submucosal resection of the septum.
Result: There were 93 patients, 56 males and females aged between 2 and 75 years. Aetiologies found were in 41% of the patients were idiopathic causes, 20% hypertension, 16% trauma and 8% neoplasm, 7% sinusitis and others. The most commonly applied methods of treatment were application of anterior nasal pack using Bismuth Iodoformn Paraffin Paste (BIPP) in 48% and in 22% of patients application of posterior nasal pack using Foley's catheter.
Conclusion: All methods of treatment used by us were cost and personnel effective. The insertion of Foley's catheter was found very advantageous because no anaestethist nor theatre space was required for the treatment.
Key Words: Epistaxis, commonest treatment, nasal packs.
Nig. J. Otorhinolaryngology Vol.1(1) 2004: 11-14