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Sino-orbital aspergillosis with central nervous system complication: a case report
Case report: A 60 year-old woman first presented to the eye clinic more than a month after initial symptoms of catarrh and nasal blockage and two weeks after the development of proptosis. From the results of radiological investigations and fungal culture it was found that the patient primarily had aspergillosis of the paranasal sinuses with secondary involvement of the orbit. A central nervous system (CNS) complication (cerebral abscess) was diagnosed following seizures in the patient. The patient died a few days later.
Conclusion: The diagnosis of aspergillosis of the orbit was only made from fungal culture after the patient's death. It requires a high index of suspicion to make a diagnosis of aspergillosis of the orbit. In this era of HIV/AIDS, with increasing incidence of aspergillosis, ophthalmologists are advised to be on the alert for this disease and rule it out in every patient that presents to them with proptosis.
Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology Vol. 13(2) 2005: 62-66