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Ocular Injuries in a Civilian Conflict in Jos
Materials and Methods: Clinical records of patients without life threatening injuries that occurred as a result of a civilian conflict were reviewed. The cause of injury, nature of injury, management and visual outcome were determined.
Results: All 23 patients were middle-aged men. Of these, 96% had uniocular injury. The average period spent before getting medical care was 5.7days. The commonest cause of injury was a gunshot in 60.9% of patients. Nineteen eyes (79.2%) had some form of surgical intervention, with evisceration being the commonest form of surgery. Mean follow-up period was 4 weeks, and only 18.2% of the eyes studied had a visual acuity of at least 3/60.
Conclusion: Civilian conflicts are associated with ocular morbidity. Better ambulance services are required for rapid evacuation of victims, to enable them get early treatment and reduce the adverse consequences of such injuries.
Key Words: civil unrest, eye injury, visual outcome, management
Nigerian Journal of Ophthalmology Vol.12 (1) 2004: 10-13