The pattern of eye disorders of 1,584 consecutive new patients presenting at a private hospital in a sub-urban area of South-western Nigeria was analysed. Nine hundred and twenty-seven were males (58.5%) and 657 females (41.5%); (25.8%) of patients were under 20 years of age, while (45.5%) were over 40 years. Common ocular presentations were refractive error (16.9%), allergic conjunctivitis (15.9%), trauma (12.0%) and glaucoma (7.3%). One hundred and fifty-eight patients (10.5%) were blind i.e visual acuity (VA) less than 3/60 in the better eye; 315 (21.0%) were unilaterally blind and 178 (11.9%) had low vision (VA,6/18 but .3/60). Eye care needs of patients presenting to private practice in suburban Nigerian town can be met by the provision of inexpensive optical correction, large volume cheap cataract surgery, health education and maintenance of peace.
KEY WORDS: Eye Disease, private practice, Nigeria, blindness
[Nig. J. Ophthalmology Vol.10(1): 1-4]