CJ Ofogba
Department of Chemistry, College of Medicine University of Lagos.
FU Agbomo
National Institute for Medical Research, Yaba, Lagos
FB Abdul-Kareem
Morbid Anatomy, College of Medicine University of Lagos.
AM Abaelu
Department of Chemistry, College of Medicine University of Lagos.
K Alatishe
Department of Chemistry, College of Medicine University of Lagos.
Aqueous extract of Bridelia ferruginea stem bark caused significant increases in serum K+, creatinine, total bilirubin, GOT, GPT, HDL, Alkaline phosphate, BUN (p<0.001) and decreases in serum Na+, Cl-, CO22+ (p<0.01,0.001) in rats. No changes were observed in serum triglyceride, uric acid, phosphate and total protein levels when compared with the control. The increase in some if these parameter was detected by means of PAS staining. The heart and lungs also showed adverse effects.
Key Words: Bridelia ferruginea, Euphorbiaceae, blood chemistry, rat lungs and heart
Nig. J. Nat. Prod. And Med. Vol.2 1998: 26-28