AA Elujoba
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin-City, Nigeria
AT Abere
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin-City, Nigeria
SA Adelusi
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Benin, Benin-City, Nigeria
Detailed biological evaluation for laxative properties using established literature methods with white albino rats, was carried out on the infusions of the pods of the following Cassia species, growing in Nigeria: Cassia alata L., C. hirsuta L., C. occidentalis L., C. podocarpa Guill. Et Perr., C. siamea Lam. and C. sieberiana L. (Family Caesalpinoidae) with Cassia acutifolia Del. (Senna) pod tablet and leaf as reference standards. Of all the Cassia species investigated, a dose-dependent relationship was observed when the infusions of the pods of C. fistula, C. podocarpa, C. acutifolia and also leaf of C. acutifolia were tested at a dose-range of 100mg/kg to 700mg/kg of rat with the presence of wet faeces as an indication of laxation. Indeed, statistically analysis of variance as well as using percentage senna-pod action showed that the laxative potencies of the three Cassia species were not significantly different. Hence, C. fistula and C. podocarpa pods obtained from plants cultivated in Nigeria, can in fact substitute for the official senna pod/tablets.
Key Words: Cassia species; laxative activities; relative senna equivalent.
Nig. J. Nat Prod. And Med. Vol.3 1999: 51-53