KA Abo
Department of Phartmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
SW Lasaki
Department of Phartmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria
AA Adeyemi
Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Obafemi Awolowo College of health Sciences, Ogun State University, Sagamu, Nigeria.
Colorimetric estimation of anthraquinone content, antimicrobial and laxative effects of leaves and pods of Cassia fistula Linn., C. specatabilis DC and C podocarpa Guill. and Perr. are described because of the popular uses of these species by herbalists in Ibadan. The pods of the Cassia species exhibited potent antifungal activity than the leaf samples. Pods of C. fistula showed significant antibacterial activity when compared to that of ampicillin. This study justifies the use of the Cassia species in traditional medicine.
Key Words: Cassia species, Leguminosae-Caesalpinoideae, Anthraquinone content, Laxative activity, Antimicrobial activity.
Nig. J. Nat Prod. And Med. Vol.3 1999: 47-50