U. A. Katsayal
Department of Pharmacognosy and Drug Development, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
E. M. Abdurahman
Department of Pharmacognosy and Drug Development, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria
The plant Pavetta crassipes K. Schum (syn.P.barteri) is a shrub or small tree widespread in the tropical savannah. In Nigeria, the leaves of this plant are used medicinally in the management of respiratory infections and abdominal disorders. The leaves are also used in Tanzania in the treatment of gonorrhoea, while in Central Africa, the acid infusion of the leaves are taken as cough remedy. We report the macroscopy, microscopy and some pharmacognostic standards such as moisture content, ash and extractive values for the leaves of P.crassipes, which could be used to prepare a monograph for proper identification of the plant.
Key Words: Pavetta crassipes, macroscopy, chemomiscroscopy, pharmacognostic standards
[Nig. J. Nat. Prod. And Med. Vol.6 2002: 30-32]