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Duration from Medical School Graduation to Commencement of Surgical Residency Training in Nigeria: Implication for Specialist Surgical Care

N.J. Nwashilli


Objective: The duration from medical school graduation to the commencement of  surgical residency training determines the age the doctor will eventually qualify to become a consultant. The objective of the study was to determine if the duration  from medical school graduation to commencement of surgical residency   programme was prolonged.

Methods: The study was carried out at the integrated update course organized by  the West African College of Surgeons which took place at University of Benin  Teaching Hospital, Benin City in 2014. An informed consent was obtained from the  respondents before commencement of the study. A semi-structured self- administered questionnaire was filled by consenting residents. Information  requested from the Residents included age, gender, marital status, designation  (Registrar/Senior Registrar), training center and duration from medical school  graduation to commencement of Residency training. The collated information was  analyzed using IBM SPSS version 21.

Results: A total of 226 Surgical Residents registered for the Update Course were  given the questionnaire to fill. One hundred and sixty-three Residents filled the  questionnaire giving a response rate of 72%. There were 153 males and 10 females  giving a ratio of 15: 1. The Registrars were 148 while Senior Registrars were 15. Over  70% of the respondents started surgical residency within five years from the time of  medical school graduation.

Conclusion: The duration from medical school graduation to commencement of  surgical residency for majority of surgical residents was not prolonged. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-4348
print ISSN: 2714-4127