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Ultrasonographic Study of Gynaecological Disorder at Central Hospital Warri, Delta State, Nigeria
Objective: Gynaecological disease and its complications has been observed to increase female morbidity and mortality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the distribution and age variations of gynaecological disorders seen at Central Hospital, Warri, Delta State Nigeria.
Methods: The purposive sampling and retrospective study design was employed. A total of 363 female patients’ records were obtained from the Ultrasound unit of the Radiology Department of Central Hospital, Warri, Delta State, Nigeria. Ethical Consent was issued by the Research and Ethics Committee of Human Anatomy and Cell Biology, Delta State University, Abraka. Data were analysed and presented in a tabular form.
Results: The most predominant age group affected with gynaecological disorders and the least were those of ages 21-30 and 71-80 years with frequencies of 118(32.5%), and 1(0.3%) respectively. Findings from this study also depicted pelvic inflammatory disease (166, 43.0%) as the most predominant diagnosis, followed by Endometriosis (69, 17.9%). Significant association (p<0.05) between age groups and gynaecological diagnosis was observed.
Conclusion: The study reveals that pelvic inflammatory disorder is the most predominant gynaecological disorder and that age has a significant association with gynaecological abnormality/diseases.