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Pattern of Cleft Lip and Palate Deformities and Associated Anomalies at the Orthodontic Unit of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City

N.J. Otaren
I.N. Ize-Iyamu


Objective: Objective: Orofacial clefts constitute the commonest anomalies in the orofacial region. The aim of this study was to  characterize patients with CL/P presenting at the Orthodontic unit of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital and to identify the type of accompanying developmental anomalies in the study population.
Methods: This was a retrospective study. Case records of thirty-eight (18 females and 20 males) cleft lip and palate babies who presented  for pre surgical orthopaedics from January 2018 to August 2019 at the Orthodontic unit of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City.
Results: Majority of the study population were males, 20 (53.0%) while females were 18 (47.0%). Children aged 1 day to 4 weeks  constituted majority of the study population 24 (64.0%). CL/P cases was in majority, 18 (48.0%), unilateral cleft deformities on the right  side was 21 (55.0%). Only 15.0% of the study population had associated congenital anomalies which includes, femoral hernia 2 (5.0%),  holoprosencephaly 2 (5.0%) and syndactyly 2 (5%).
Conclusion: This study showed that more males had cleft deformities, majority of the study population had CL/P and only 15.0 % had  associated congenital anomalies.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-4348
print ISSN: 2714-4127