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Assessment of Intercanine and Intermolar Width of Untreated Orthodontic Patients with Crowded and Uncrowded dentitions in University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria

D.J. Umeano
I.N. Ize-Iyamu
N.J. Otaren


Objective: To determine the intercanine (IC) andintermolar(IM) widths of orthodontic patients with crowded and uncrowded dentitions  in University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria.

Methods: This was a cross sectional study. Fifty (50) pairs of dental casts of 50 (Fifty) untreated orthodontic patients were selected and  classified using Angle’s method. Using a digital caliper (European Directive ROHS 2002/95/CE), lingual arch widths measurements was  carried out for first permanent canines and molars of each arch (maxillary and mandibular). The arch width measurements were carried  out according to the method described by McDougall et al in 1982. Data was computed and analyzed using the SPSS version 21.0 software. P values at <0.05 was set as significant.

Results: Fifty dental casts with crowded dentition and fifty dentals with uncrowded  dentition were evaluated. Each participant had a maxillary and a mandibular cast. The mean age of study population was 21.72±2.52  years. The mean maxillary IC width in crowded and uncrowded dentition of female population was 27.13±1.39 mm and 29.31±4.17 mm respectively (P>0.05). The mean maxillary IM width in crowded and uncrowded dentition of female population was 37.73±2.30 mm and  38.07±4.89 mm respectively (P>0.05). The mean maxillary IC width in crowded and uncrowded dentition of male population was  26.92±3.05 mm and 27.76±2.29 mm respectively (P>0.05). The mean maxillary IM width in crowded and uncrowded dentition of male  population was 37.11±4.13 mm and 38.47±1.48 mm respectively (P>0.05). The mean mandibular IC width in crowded and uncrowded dentition of female population was 20.48±2.44 mm and 26.67±4.81 mm respectively(P<0.05). The mean mandibular IM width in the  crowded and uncrowded dentition of female population was 33.35±2.57 mm and it was 36.89±4.98 mm respectively (P>0.05). The mean  mandibular IC width in crowded and uncrowded dentition of male population was 21.54±2.47 mm and 26.11±5.43 mm I  respectively(P<0.05). The mean mandibular IM width in crowded and uncrowded dentition of male population was 33.49±2.34 mm and 36.44±5.17 mm respectively (P>0.05).

Conclusion: This study recorded higher values of IC and IM widths in the maxillary and mandibular  arch of uncrowded dentitions of male and female populations when compared to the crowded dentitions. The difference was statistically significant in the male and female IC width recorded in the mandibular arch only.

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eISSN: 2714-4348
print ISSN: 2714-4127