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Development of Ureteroscopic Laser Endopyelotomy for Treatment of Pelvi-Ureteric Junction Obstruction at University of Benin Teaching Hospital: Preliminary Report and Overview of Literature

S.O. Osaghae
R.O. Odutola


Objective: Laser endopyelotomy approach to management of pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction, PUJO was recently introduced to our  hospital as minimally invasive endoscopic option for suitable patients presenting with pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction.

Case Description: The first patient, a 40 years old female presented with chronic left flank pain. Renal tract ultrasound scan, CT Urogram  confirmed left PUJO with satisfactory residual renal function. She was treated by laser endopyelotomy and stent insertion. The second patient, 18 years old female presented with chronic bilateral flank pain. Renal ultrasonography, intravenous urogram and renogram  confirmed bilateral PUJO worse on right side. She had bilateral endopyelotomy and insertion of stents. 

Conclusion: The patients  preferred minimally invasive endoscopic approach to open pyeloplasty in management of PUJO. The procedures were uncomplicated and  initial good outcomes achieved. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-4348
print ISSN: 2714-4127