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Radical prostatectomy for organ confined prostate cancer in University of Benin Teaching Hospital: case report

S.O. Osaghae
J.I. Ofuani


Objective: Early diagnosis of prostate cancer has increased the identification of organ confined prostate cancer in Nigeria. Potentially  curative treatment by radical prostatectomy was commenced in University of Benin Teaching Hospital with this index case. The objective  is to report the index case of radical prostatectomy for organ confined prostate cancer in University of Benin Teaching Hospital.

Case Description: Patient presented with lower urinary tract symptoms, clinically benign prostate, and elevated PSA, 21.2ng/ml.  Ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy and staging investigations confirmed organconfined prostate adenocarcinoma. Treatment was by open radical retropubic prostatectomy. The oncological and functional outcomes up to a year later was good.

Conclusion: With careful patient selection, available expertise and skill, open radical prostatectomy can be safely performed in resource  limited settings. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-4348
print ISSN: 2714-4127