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Recent advances in the surgical management of urinary stones in Nigeria

Samuel Omoregie Osaghae


From 2017 to the present, there has been considerableninterest and efforts geared toward replacing opennsurgical treatment of urinary ncalculi in the Nigerianngovernment's public healthcare system with minimallyninvasive lithotripsy approaches. This article is a briefnreview and commentary on both the progress that hasnbeen made in the public teaching hospitals, and thenepidemiology, natural nhistory, causes, clinical features,ndiagnosis, and surgical options in the management ofnkidney, ureteral, and bladder calculi. The ndefinition,nnature, models, and role of lithotripsy were described.nThe latter part of the article gives a contemporaneousnaccount of nthe time trends in the development ofnlithotripsy in public teaching hospitals. Lastly, the areasnfor development in the future, within nthe government’snpublic teaching hospital system were outlined.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-4348
print ISSN: 2714-4127