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Adermatoglyphia, a biometric identification nightmare in a developing country. A case report of finger prints challenge

JI Ehizonaga
O Babalola
S Eidangbe
E Ehikhamenor


Objective: The case report describes the biometric finger print challenges faced by adermatoglyphia in a situation that uses only fingerprint as the biometric identifier. Case Report: A 17-years old girl who presented with complaint of not having fingerprint and as such cannot enroll for her Joint Admission and Matriculation Board examination (JAMB). She claimed to always have peeling of her palms and itching without rash during dry season. Clinical examination revealed near absence of frictional ridges on all her fingers and palms. No other abnormalies detected clinically. Diagnosis of Adermatoglyphia was made and the patient was referred to Center for Forensic Program and DNA Studies where incomplete absence of fingerprint was confirmed. The toe print and lip prints which were completely present were evaluated, captured, classified and suggested to be used as biometric identifiers for this patient. CONCLUSION: The need to promote awareness of adermatoglyphia among the populace and the inclusion of other biometric identifiers in agencies where biometric identification is required is further emphasize in this case report in order to ameliorate the plight of adermatoglyphia.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-4348
print ISSN: 2714-4127