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The frequency and pattern of cardiac autonomic neuropathy(CAN) in Type 2 DM patients in a diabetic clinic in Enugu South-east Nigeria
METHODS: A cross sectional study of seventy (70) type 2 diabetic patients attending a DM clinic in Enugu South-East Nigeria was carried out. Cardiac autonomic function was determined using a battery of 5 non-invasiveĀ tests which include; Heart rate response (HRR) to Valsalva manoeuvre, HRR to deep breathing, HRR to standing, Resting heart rate, and Blood pressure (BP) response to standing.
RESULTS: The frequency of cardiac autonomic neuropathy (CAN) in type 2 diabetic patients was 44.3%. Resting tachycardia was the most specific, HRR to Valsalva manoeuvre was most sensitive while BP response to standing had the best positive predictive value in detecting cardiac autonomic neuropathy.
CONCLUSIONS: Cardiac autonomic neuropathy is a common complication in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients seen at Enugu. It is therefore recommended that Autonomic function test should be part of the standard care of type 2 diabetic patients and appropriate management instituted for both primary and secondary prevention.
KEY WORDS: Frequency, Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy, Diabetes mellitus, Enugu, South-East Nigeria