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Colposcopy and Cytodiagnosis in the Prevention of Cervical Malignancies
adolescence and promiscuity have been confirmed as risk factors.
The aim of this study was to establish the value of cytology, colposcopy, and pathohistology in the prevention of cervical malignancies.
:The study population comprised 750 patients hospitalized for different reasons in whom cervical alterations were noted on speculum examination
or who showed typical clinical symptomatology, performed at the Obstetric-Gynecologic Clinic in Prishtina, Kosovo during the period between January
2008 and January 2009.
The symptomatology of the patients with pathological cervices varied, with 272 of the 750 patients (36.27%) showing clinical symptoms. Atypical epithelial changes, noted during colposcopy, were more frequent in patients 31-40 years of age (60 patients, 32.09%) and 41-50 years of age (59 patients, 31.55%). In addition to material collected during colposcopic
examination, biopsy material (direct biopsy) was obtained from 117 patients. Histopathological findings from both sources were noted: 19 cases (16.24%) of cervical dysplasia at different stages, six cases (5.13%) of carcinoma in situ, and three cases (2,56%) of invasive carcinoma.
The correct clinical evaluation of cervical epithelial alterations enables a prompt diagnosis and the timely implementation of appropriate therapeutic measures.
Keywords: colposcopy, cytodiagnosis, cervix.