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Edukason familiar na Guiné-Bissau: Um kaminhu pa sosedadi kuna rispita mindjer Family education in Guinea-Bissau: A path to a society that respects women


edukason i fundamental pa kirsimentu di un ser humanu na tudu sintidu. I pudi sedu na: saudi, ekonomia ô na djiresa. Edukason ta dadu purmeru pa familia, kila ta mostranu klaru kuma família i raiz di sosiedadi. Na kontestu di Guiné-Bissau, edukason familiar ta kiria ba pekaduris ku forti valoris di solidariedadi entri elis. Mas, odja ku purtuguisis nvadi Guiné-Bissau, manga di valoris mudadu. El ku manda objetivu de tarbadju ipa provoka um reflekson na sintidu di resgata um edukasson familiar kuna fasinu kiria un sosieadi kuna rispita mindjer. Texto xta divididu na dus partis. Na purmeru parti i fasidu komparason entri keku guineensis ta ntindi pa família i kasamentu antis di chegada di purtuguisis na Guiné-Bissau i keku europeus ta ntindi pa kasamentu i família. Na segunda parti i diskutidu sobri dominason di omis pa mindjer, suma un kussa ku tene raiz na propi familia. Tarbadju baziadu na leitura di obras di edukason ku di kolonialismo europeu. Ruzultadu ta mostra kuma kolonizason purtuguis i puntu ku muda manga di kusas di bon ku ten ba entri guineensis, entri es kusas bons, i sta valoris, ntindimentu di keku familia i keku kasamentu. I tambi i diskubridu kuma através di edukason eskolar ita reforsadu dominason di omis pa mindjeris i kila sta na tene maus resultadus na sosiedadi guineensi. Mas, i odjadu tambi kuma atraves di un edukason familiar kuna kombina ku edukason skolar guineensis pudi resgata rispitu ku tudu omis tene ba pa mindjeris antis ku brankus tchiga na Guiné-Bissau.

English Abstract: Education is very fundamental for the growth of a human being in all aspects, being it: health, economy and intellectuality. Education is given primarily by the family; this shows us clearly that the family is the root of the Society. In the context of Guinea-Bissau, family education created people with strong moral values and required solidarity with each other. However, with the Portuguese invasion of the country, many values were reversed. For this reason, this work aims to provoke a reflection in order to rescue a family education for the creation of a Guinean society that respects women. The text consists of two sections. In the first section, a comparison is made between the African conception of family and marriage and the European one; the second section discusses the issue of Guinean men dominance rooted in families. The work is of bibliographic nature, with revisions of the works of the educational field, familiar and colonialism. The results show that Portuguese colonization is the central point of the inversion of moral values, concept of family, marriage and through school education male dominance over women is reinforced and this has had serious consequences for the progress of Guinean society itself. However, through family education that goes hand in hand with school education, Guinean society can recover true pre-colonial value and respect for women.

Keywords: Guinea-Bissau; Family; Education, Woman

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2764-1244
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