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Vehicle Inscriptions in Nigeria: A Medium of Constructing Identity and Social Practices

Mohammed Sada Bature
Ibrahim Sani


This paper explores the discoursal practices presented in the form of inscriptions written on vehicles in this context tricycle, which are  popularly known as kekenapep in Nigeria. The paper employs a qualitative approach to examine the inscriptions as texts written on the  tricycles. These inscriptions that comprise words, phrases and sentences form the unit of analysis. Critical Discourse Analysis, CDA is used  as the framework of analysis to explore how owners of these vehicle (in most cases the drivers) construct their identity and express  their feelings emotions and opinions about their society.100 written inscriptions were collected form 100 tricycles in Katsina metropolis  between October to December, 2015. The data was analysed using the Hallyday's (1985) Functional grammar and Fairclough’s ideational view of language as form of social practice. The findings indicate that drivers express their emotions through adages words and phrases  that comment on social values and their personal opinions about their society. They use the back side of the vehicle as a medium of self- expression on social issues in the Nigerian social context. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2523-0948
print ISSN: 2520-4009