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The challenges encountered by the novice secondary school teachers in Philippines: A basis for mentoring

Virgilio Valdez
Noel L. Dominado


This study was conducted to establish a potential association of challenges encountered and demographic profiles of the novice secondary school teachers. To accomplish the aim of the study, the descriptive-correlation research design was used. The outcome of the study revealed that the demographic profile of the teachers respondents revealed that the majority of 45.5% or 5 of the respondents were  between the ages 23-29 years of age, 63.6% or 7 of the teachers-respondents were females; 81.8% or 9 of the teachers-respondents  had educational attainment which is disseminated along the diverse field of specialization; Mathematics, Accountancy,  Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health, Computer Science, Nursing, Filipino, Agriculture, English; 54.5% or 6 had been serving for one  to two years; and 72.7% or 8 of the teachersrespondents had a net pay of 22, 000 – 26,000, When it comes to the challenges encountered  by novice teachers planning the lesson grand mean of 2.51 which means they were developing; Implementing the lesson grand mean  was 2.49 with the descriptive rating of proficiency; assessment of learning grand mean of 2.25 with a descriptive rating of proficiency, and  there is a significant relationship between the demographic profile and challenges encountered by novice teachers.  

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2523-0948
print ISSN: 2520-4009