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Effect of Growth Media on Rooting of Queen of the Philippine (Mussaenda philippica A. Rich)
Queen of the Philippines (Mussaenda philippica) were grown in each of the four sterilized media in polyethylene pots using factorial arrangement in a completely randomized design with five replicates. Data were recorded on root length, root dry weight, number of days to rooting, number of rooted cuttings and percent of plant survival after transplanting and number of roots per rooted cuttings. Data generated were subjected to analysis of variance, significant of treatment means was tested using least significant difference at 5% level and correlation analysis was carried out. The result shows that, variety had significant (P< 0.05) effect on rooting characteristics of (Queen of the Philippines (Mussaenda philippica),
irrespective of the growing media. Pink variety performed better than the white variety in terms of earliness to rooting, number of roots per cutting and percent rooted cuttings. Cuttings raised in river sand medium rooted earliest with the highest number of roots per cuttings compared with other media. The interaction effect of variety and growing media
on root length and percent rooted cuttings were significant (P<0.05), indicating that differences in growing media influenced rooting characteristics of the two varieties. Correlation analysis indicated a high degree of association among rooting characteristics. It was concluded that, rooting ability of both pink and white varieties was low, but the
former performed better than the latter and that river sand medium enhanced rooting better than other media.