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Seed germination, emergence and seedling vigor of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) as affected by Okra Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus Disease

A.A. Ahmed
M.S. Aminu
S.U. Sadauki


Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench) is a popular crop in Nigeria due to its ease of cultivation, adaptability to varying moisture  conditions and health benefits, however, its production is seriously affected by the use of local varieties (low yielding) which are ease  prone to viral attack. This experiment was conducted at the laboratory and screenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Federal University  Dutsin-Ma, Nigeria in the 2022 cropping season to evaluate the effect of okra yellow vein mosaic virus disease on germination,  emergence and seedling vigor of five okra cultivars under laboratory and pot condition and to identify tolerant and resistance okra  cultivar suitable and profitable to growers in the region. Five okra cultivars („Yar Balla‟, „Kahon Balewa‟, „Kamar Rumbu‟, „Yar Maradi‟  and „Jikin Mutum‟) were used. A Completely Randomized Design was used for the laboratory experiments whereas a Randomized  Complete Block Design was employed for pot experiment and replicated four times. Seed lots of the okra cultivars (healthy and diseased)  from the field served as treatments. The healthy okra seeds significantly enhanced seed germination as compare to its  diseased counterparts, similarly, in pot trial, okra yellow vein mosaic virus disease significantly affected days to 50% seedlings emergence,  fresh shoot weight, seedling height and average leaf numbers. In all the two experiments, „Yar Balla‟ cultivar (healthy and  diseased) showed better performance in all parameters measured among the tested cultivars, therefore the cultivar could be improved  genetically through appropriate gene introgression from the resistant cultivars to improve production. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1118-2733