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Vegetative and tuber yield of white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) as influenced by different varieties and tuber weights in derived savannah ecology of Ishiagu southeast Nigeria

O.C. Olejeme
J. Diken
A.B. Diobu
K.F. Eluagu
D.I. Okon


The study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different variety and tuber weights on the vegetative and tuber yield of yam grown on  an ultisol of Ishiagu south eastern Nigeria. In the trial, a split plot arrangement fitted into a randomized complete block design (RCBD)  was used. The two varieties Faketsa and Hembamkwase occupied the main plots, while the tuber weight 50 -100g, 101 – 150g, 151- 200g,  201 -250g and 251-300g occupied the sub-plots. Pre-planting physico-chemical properties of the soils were determined to know the soil  status. Seedling emergence, vein length, number of leaves, number and weight of harvested tubers were determined. After the data  analysis, the results revealed that tuber weight of 251-300g had the highest seedling emergence of 4.0, including the largest tuber yield  of 16.00t/ha though, statistically similar to 13.92t/ha obtained from tuber weight of 201-250g. There was no significant difference due to  variety on both vegetative and tuber yield. The use of higher tuber weight can guarantee higher yield and the two varieties can be    successfully grown in the study area.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1118-2733