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Evaluation of different sources of ash on selected soil chemical properties, growth and yield of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) in derived savannah ecology of Ishiagu southeast Nigeria

O.C. Olejeme
A.B. Diobi
J. Diken
K.F. Eluagu


Evaluation of different sources of ash as they affect soil chemical properties, growth and yield of Fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis)  was conducted at the student‘s project site at Federal College of Agriculture, Ishiagu Ebonyi State in the 2022 cropping seasons. The  experimental design used was the randomized complete block design (RCBD) with seven (7) treatments: Palm bunch ash, rice husk ash,  wood ash, siam weed ash, neem leaf ash, mango leave ash and control (No fertilizer), each replicated three (3) times. Pre and post  planting physico-chemical properties of the soils were determined to know the soil status before and after planting. Vein length, number  and weight of harvested leaves were taken, also determined were number of pods and seed plus the weight of pods. The soil parameters  analyzed were pH, total nitrogen, cation exchange capacity and available phosphorus. The result indicated significant differences (p<0.05)  among the treatments on all the parameters measured. The best yield performance in terms of number leaves (28) and seeds  (41) were gotten from plots amended with rice husk dust. The highest increase in pH and cation exchange capacity were also recorded  from plots treated with rice husk dust. It is therefore recommended that in acidic soils, farmers should use rice husk dust to reduce soil  acidity, which at the long run will increase crop yield. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1118-2733