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Comparative morphology and reproductive mechanism of Nigerian Pasiflora foetida and Pasiflora edulis

M. Oziegbe
E.O. Oludare


Passiflora species are important ornamental and fruit crops with high medicinal properties. This study compared morphology and reproductive mechanism of Passiflora foetida L. and Passiflora edulis F. from Nigeria. Each of the Passiflora species was scored for diagnostic morphological traits. Also pollination mechanisms were investigated on 50 flowers in the opened and bagged treatments which include: emasculation, natural self-pollination, manual self-pollination, geitonogamy and manual crosspollination methods. The foragers that visited the plants and their activities were documented. Result showed that the two species varied in their morphological traits. The fruits of P. foetida remained green when matured while fruits of P. edulis turned yellow. All the open pollination treatments of P. edulis produced more fruits than the bagged treatments. P. foetida produced fruit mainly through autonomous self-pollination but P. edulis produced fruit by self-pollination and cross pollination enhanced by insect visit to the flowers. Floral visitors were not observed on P. foetida but floral visitors such as Xylocopa caffra, Xylocopa frontalis, Dactylurina staudigeri and Trigona fuscipennis were observed on P. edulis to collect either nectar or pollen grains. The study concluded that the two species varied in their morphological traits and reproductive mechanism. P. foetida is adapted to reproduction through autogamy while P. edulis exhibit mixed pollination system of selfing and outcrossing which is enhanced by bees that visit the flower for pollen and nectar.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1118-2733