Author Guidelines
Submission of manuscript could be by either electronic and/or surface mails. Electronic submission shall be by e-mail, flash drive or CD.
Manuscripts should be sent with a cover letter to the Editorial Office. The cover letter should include a declaration that the work is original, is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that all authors participated in the publication and agreed to submission to the Nigerian Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
The journal charges only processing fees of N50,000 only after acceptance of the manuscript. The journal does not charge any fee at submission.
Types of Manuscripts
Only the following manuscript type shall be considered for publication:
Original research work. This should have a maximum length of 5,000 words, including references, a structured abstract of not more than 300 words and a title with not more than 15 words.
Research Letters.
These shall be brief, definitive reports of unusual interest and should not exceed 1000 words including references.
Review Article.
This shall normally be solicited for from an expert in the area of interest. Unsolicited reviews shall not be accepted for publication. Reviews may be on both basic and clinical topics and should not exceed 5,000 words including references. However, authors who are interested in contributing reviews are requested to first contact the Editor to agree on the topic and outline of the proposed article.
Letters to the Editor.
This should not be longer than 500 words and include not more than 5 references and one figure.
Conference Abstracts and Proceedings.
Abstracts for this purpose shall be structured and should not exceed 350 words (Background and Objectives, Methodology, Results and Conclusion). Proceedings shall be in the format of original articles.
Case Reports/Brief Reports.
This shall be unusual reports of interest to the readership and not a mere repeat of what has been described earlier. It should not exceed 1000 words divided into abstract, introduction, Case report, discussion, references and figures/table. References should not exceed 10, and tables and figures should be limited to two each. NB: Manuscripts that exceed the word limits as stated above will be returned to the authors for shortening before a full review.
Submission Check List:
1. Complete manuscript consisting of: Title page with Authors’ names and affiliations/addresses, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, References, Acknowledgement, Tables and Figures as Microsoft Word document. Tables and Figures should be submitted separately with one Table/Figure on separate pages.
2. Cover letter
3. A description of any commercial affiliation or consultancy that could be construed as conflict of interest.
4. An author agreement/Transfer of copyright form signed by all listed authors.
5. Letter of ethical approval for the study.
6. Payment of processing fee.
Manuscript Organization
Text of manuscript should be type written in word format, double-spaced in Times News Roman font 12, and all pages must be numbered in the upper right corner, starting with the title page. Manuscripts describing original research should contain, in this order, the following:
No more than 15 words, with at least one running title. The use of acronyms and abbreviations should be avoided. The species used for work with experimental animals must be indicated in the title.
Author Names
The full name (SURNAME LAST), institutional affiliation and e-mail of all authors must be included. In a multi-authored work involving more than a single institution, indicate individual affiliation by means of a superscript Arabic number. Correspondence author should be indicated.
Financial Support
List of grants and other financial support.
A structured abstract is required as follows: Background and Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusion. Abbreviations must be defined in the abstract to allow the abstract to stand alone. Abstract should not exceed 300 words.
Keywords: Five keywords for the purpose of indexing.
This shall contain an introduction, mini literature review and a clear objective stated in the last paragraph.
This shall contain the essentials of materials used and the methodology as well as statistical methods.
Relevant findings from the study shall be reported in this section. Graphical illustrations, figures and images should be labelled in the order in which they appear in the text and should be placed after the Acknowledgement section.
The results of the study shall be discussed in this section with review of relevant literature.
Authors should cite only articles that are relevant. References, which shall be in Vancouver style, should be numbered in the order in which they are cited as Arabic numerals in the text, in superscript at the end of the sentence. Cited references must have been published in literature or in press (with the name of the Journal and date of acceptance or in press with date). Abstracts and letters to the editor may also be cited. Manuscripts submitted, unpublished data, personal communications may not be cited. Consult Index Medicus for guide for Journal abbreviations. Up to six authors must be listed. When more than six authors are involved, list the first six and "et al." EndNote is recommended to authors to help in this regard. When books are cited, the name of authors, title of publication, In (title of book), chapter, edition, editors, publishers, city and year of publication and pages must be cited in order. The following examples are provided for guidance:
Journal article
AA Adesanya, JT da Rocha-Afodu. Colorectal cancer in Lagos-a critical review of 100 cases. Nigeria Postgrad. Med J, 2000, 7:129-36.
Articles in Press:
FB Abdulkareem, Abudu EK, NA Awolola, SO Elesha, O Rotimi, OR Akinde et al.
Colorectal carcinoma in Lagos and Sagamu, Southwest Nigeria: A histopathological review. World J Gastroenterol Accepted Sept. 2008. In Press Books
V Kumar, AK. Abbas. Inflammation. In: F. Nelson (Ed) Robins and Cotran Pathologic basis of disease. Chapter 4, Elsevier Saunders Inc, Philadelphia. 2005, 864-865.
Due acknowledgement of personal assistance and provision of special reagents etc. if any should be documented.
Tables and figures should be numbered in the order they appeared in the text
Quotations, tables, or illustrations taken from copyrighted materials must be accompanied by written permission for their use from the publisher and the original author.
Abbreviations should be spelt out, in parentheses, in its first use in the text. Abbreviations used in figures or tables should be defined in the legend.
Generic names shall be used as much as possible, while proprietary names may be mentioned in parentheses. Batch numbers of drugs used should be stated.
There shall be initial Editorial review to determine suitability of article for publication. At least two experts in the relevant field will review each article. Discordant comments will warrant further review outside the initial reviewers. Only recommended manuscripts will be published after meeting relevant conditions. At the initial stage, two editions will be published annually (May/November) and subsequently four editions per year. The Association shall be the Publisher of the Journal. The ISSN number will be obtained and shall be in the custody of the Editor-In-Chief.
Galley Proofs of accepted papers shall be sent to the corresponding author for final correction before publication. Proofs should be returned within 72 hours by the fasted possible means to the Editorial Office.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: Any conflict of interest must be stated by authors.
The contribution of each author to the manuscript, stating clearly the role performed, should be well enunciated in the cover letter to the Editor.