This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of noise on the hearing acuity of the okada machine riders in Akure, Ondo State, based on the years of exposure and their age; since findings have emphasized the deteriorating effects of noise in influencing permanent and temporary threshold shift of workers in both Nigeria and Overseas. Forty Motor cycle riders were randomly assigned to two groups based on the number of years they have been riders of okada machines as well as their response to the questionnaire indicating their age. The study used quasi experimental design to measure the hearing acuity of okada business people both at initial time and after the six month of commencing the research.The result analysis was based on pure tone audiometric average at 500Hertz, 1000Hertz, 2000Hertz and 4000Hertz respectively, where it revealed a diminished hearing sensitivity, especially among the workers who had spent above 5 years in okada business. Recommendations were made to NISHA and FEPA to initiate campaign programmes on radio and Television media for both workers of okada riders, industrial workers and employers of labour on the evil effect of noise hazard in our environment.
The Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling Vol. 9(1) 2004: 206-218