The Study investigated the effect of group counseling on learning and remembering strategies of diploma students in University of Maiduguri and its implications for examination malpractices. Two objectives and two null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The population consisted of all the diploma students in the six different programmes with defective learning and remembering strategies as assessed by Study Habit and Examination Technique Inventory (SHETI). Through stratified random sampling, a total of 240 were selected and assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental groups were exposed to study skills counseling on learning and remembering strategies for four weeks and the control were given placebo treatment for the same duration. The data collected were analysed through mean, standard deviation and two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The findings revealed that the experimental subjects significantly acquired learning and remembering strategies while the control group did not. Based on the findings, the implications for examinations malpractice were discussed.
The Nigerian Journal of Guidance and Counselling Vol. 9(1) 2004: 137-143