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Prevalence and practice of contraception in a cohort of Nigerian adolescent girls
Objectives: To determine the prevalence and characteristics of contraceptive practice among Nigerian adolescent girls
Methods: A descriptive opportunity survey among adolescent girls in an urban camp in Kaduna was conducted. A standardized selfadministered structured questionnaire was used to obtain information about the girls' socio-demographic and contraception characteristics. Data entry and analysis was done using SPSS version 20.
Results: There were 230 participants with a mean age of 15.6 years. Good knowledge of contraception was demonstrated by 104 (45.2%) participants. Use of male condom (163, 70.9%), injections (147, 63.9%), and pills (98, 42.6%) were the commonest mode of contraception indicated. Sexual activity was indicated by 22 (9.6%) participants, 15 (6.5%) utilized contraception, and 3 (1.3%) had a history of pregnancy. The drugstore was the main (8, 53.3%) source of contraceptives among the users. Friends (96, 41.7%) and school (90, 39.1%) were the commonest sources of information on contraceptives. Being bad, bodily harm, infertility, and obesity were believed to be associated with contraceptive use.
Conclusion: Knowledge of contraceptives and their utilization was low, and associated with negative outcomes. It underscores the need to promote adolescent-friendly health services in our health system.