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Awareness of the association between periodontal diseases and adverse pregnancy outcome among the general female population in Lagos.

Modupeore E. SORUNKE
Adenike A. AWOTILE


Background: Preterm low birth weight (PTLBW) is a public health issue which needs to be dealt with by educating the general female population. One of the major contributing factors is periodontal disease and treatment of the same could reduce the occurrence of PTLBW babies. Therefore, awareness of this among the female population is highly essential.

Objective: To explore the awareness of the general female population regarding the association of periodontal disease and PTLBW.

Methods: This survey was conducted on the general female population in Ikeja and Ikorodu areas of Lagos.  Four hundred and twenty–four female participants completed a self-administered, structured, questionnaire each.

Results: The participants in age group 18-24years had higher knowledge scores compared with those in the age group 45-54years. The more educated participants had a higher knowledge score compared with those in the primary and non-educated groups. The awareness of the female population of the relationship between pregnancy, periodontal diseases and pregnancy outcome was low.

Conclusion: Majority of the pregnant women had a good knowledge and information about general health. But they had limited knowledge regarding periodontal disease and its   adverse pregnancy outcomes.

Keywords: Female population, Awareness, periodontal disease, preterm low birth weight

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2714-4089
print ISSN: 2636-4956