1. Focus and Scope

The Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia (BCSE) is a quarterly publication  of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia. The BCSE is an open access and peer reviewed  journal. The BCSE invites contributions in any field of basic and applied chemistry. 

  1. Types of contributions. The NJCR publishes:

2.1 Full papers reporting the results of original research. The materials should  not have been published elsewhere, nor should they be simultaneously submitted  either partially or fully for publication elsewhere. 

2.2 Short communications containing the results of a limited investigation.  These should be properly documented by references to the literature and by  description of experimental procedures. 

2.3 Reviews presenting thorough documentations on subjects of active and  current interest in chemical sciences. Reviews are usually by invitation. However,  authors may submit outlines and upon notification of interest by the Editorial  Board turn in complete manuscripts. 

All classes of manuscripts must represent substantial original work and must not  be submitted simultaneously to any other journal. 

3.0 The Manuscript 

3.1 All manuscripts must be written in English. 

3.2 Organization of Manuscript. The authors should download one of the  recently published article for clarification of formatting the manuscript. There  should be no numbering of sections and sub-sections. It is preferred to have the  manuscript organized under the following headings: 

3.3 Manuscript Requirements: The original and two other copies of the  manuscript, type double-spaced, on A4 paper size should be submitted complete  with tables and figures to the Editor-in- Chief. The content of the article should be  organized in sections to include: 

  1. Title: should be short, specific, and informative.
  2. Author(s): Should be listed sequentially, initials followed by surname, indicating the author for correspondence by an asterisk. The full postal address of the location where the research was conducted should be given immediately  following the name(s) of author(s). Current address (es) of author(s) should be given  as footnote(s) after sequential numbering of the name(s). 
  3. Abstract: Should be concise and highlight the new or significant alternative contribution. Should keep within 200 words.
  4. Key words: 4-6 main words contained in the Title and Abstract should be given. Each key word should be separated by comma. 
  5. Text: Should address the specialist and exclude details, which are common knowledge. Should use central and side headings to organize text into Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion and Conclusion. Textual matter  should belong strictly to one of these sections to avoid repetition. Footnote should  be avoided in presenting textual matter. Passive voice should be used consistently. 
  6. Introduction: the purpose of the investigation should be clearly stated and relating the manuscript to similar research in the literature. Finally the main objectives of the research should be clearly stated. 
  7. Materials and Methods: all the chemicals, apparatus, instruments should be given with model numbers, manufacturer companies and supplier countries. Sample collections and sample preparations should be clearly described.  
  8. Results and Discussion: the same data should not be presented in duplicate as table and figure. Either the data should be presented as table or as figure, but not both. 
  9. Conclusion: the conclusion should be short and concise stating the main achievement of the study. 
  10. acknowledgement(s): the acknowledgements should contain any financial, material and technical support received for the study.  
  11. Tables: Should be numbered sequentially following the order in which they occur in the text, using Arabic numerals, and given an appropriate title typed in small letters. Each table should be typed on a separate sheet and attached at the  back of the manuscript. In tables vertical lines are not required and only the  horizontal lines required to isolate the column headings and the final one that  marks the end of each table are permitted. 
  12. Figures: Should not replicate information given in the text and should be original and of a scale that makes each to fit one column of the journal. Original drawings of graphs and diagrams must be supplied on tracing paper or plain  paper. Lines, lettering and numbering should be in Indian ink and proportionate  to the size of the figure overall. Glossy prints of photographs with sharp contrast  are required. All figures should be numbered consecutively in order of reference in  the text using Arabian numerals. Titles and legends should be typed in small  letters. 
  13. References: Should be numbered sequentially in their order of appearance in the text using superscript numbers without brackets. A list of the reference is located after the conclusion: against each number the list of authors is located,  surname before initials of each, separated by commas; abbreviated journal name,  the volume of the journal, the year of publication enclosed in brackets and the  initial page number only of the article them follow in this order before a full-stop.  Where the citation is to a book, the list of author(s) is followed by the title of the  book, the edition if it is not the first, the page referred to, the publisher, city and  year, each after a comma.  

The following example show accepted format: - 

  1. Udoh, A. P., Thomas, S. A. and Ekanem, E. J., Talanta, 39 (1992) 1592
  2. Filby, R. H. in Yen, T. F., ed., The Role of Trace Metals in Petroleum, P. 209, Ann arbor Science Publishers Inc., Ann Abor, Michigan, 1975. 
  3. Grohmann, K., Wyman, C. E. and Himmel, M. E., Potential for Fuels from biomass and wastes, in Rowell, R. M., Shultz, T. P. and Narayan, R., eds., Emerging Technologies for Materials and Chemicals, ACS Symposium Series 467, 1992.  
  4. Vogel, A. L., Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry, 4th ed., P. 109, Longman Group Ltd., London, 1978.
  5. Internet: European Science Foundation The changing use and misuse of Catha Edulis (khat) in a changing world: tradition, trade and tragedy, presented at the European Science Foundation meeting on khat, Linköping, Sweden,  October 2009. Available at: http://www.esf.org/index.php?id=5160. 

Habte, T.; Amare, A.; Bettridge, J.; Collins, M.; Christley, R.; Wigley, P. Guide to chicken  health and management in Ethiopia. ILRI Manual 25. Nairobi, Kenya: International  Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), 2017. Available at:  https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/132697854.pdf. 

3.4 Proofs: Only corrections of transcript errors are accepted at this stage.  Proofs must be returned immediately on receipt. 

3.5 Reprints: Are available in PDF online free. Additional reprints supplied on  request to the Editor will be charged for at competitive rates, which will be  included with the proofs to authors. 

3.6 Submission: A processing fee of N3,000:00 must accompany any article  submitted to the journal. 

3.7 Page Charge: A page charge of =N=25,000:00 is collected before any  accepted article is published. The authors are advised to make comprehensive  review of the scientific literature and appropriately cite related work published by  the NJCR. 

3.4 Supporting Information 

Authors are encouraged to submit supporting information such as NMR spectrum,  HRMS, and images as a single pdf file. Submitted supplementary items are not  published online but will send to reviewers for evaluation. 

3.5 Submission of Manuscript

For a work conducted by a group of researchers, the corresponding author has the  obligation to obtain the consent of all co-authors prior to submission of the  manuscript. The soft copy of the original manuscript typed with double spacing  and formatted according to guide for authors should be sent as an e-mail  attachment to: ngjnchres@yahoo.com and the covering letter should be  addressed to: The Editor-in-Chief, Department of Chemical Sciences, Bingham  University, Karu-Nigeria.. The cover letter should include the names and  addresses (including e-mail addresses) of five reviewers who have expertise in the  subject matter of the manuscript or who have published similar work. The  reviewers should not be from the authors’ own organization and preferably from  different countries. 

  1. The Peer Review Process

All submissions are subjected to an internal review by the corresponding discipline  editor. Manuscripts that fall outside the scope of our journal or that fail to meet a  minimum quality and originality criteria will be rejected without being sent out to 

reviewers. Abstracts of manuscripts that passed the internal review process will be  sent out to five referees. The full manuscript will be sent to the first three referees  who accepted the initial invitation to provide a review. The author will be requested  to submit a new list of potential reviewers if majority or all of the invited referees  turn down the invitation. A decision to accept, reject, or 'reject and resubmit' a  manuscript is based on at least two reviewer reports. 

  1. Open Access Statement and Creative Commons License

Nigerian Journal of Chemical Research is an open access, peer reviewed journal,  which means that all articles are freely available without charge to all users  immediately upon publication. Users are allowed to read, download, copy,  distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any  other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the  author. To facilitate this open and free access to all users, the NJCR depends upon  the funding from page charges provided by the authors and the goodwill of its  editorial team and advisory board, and the continuing support of peer reviewers. 

The Nigerian Journal of Chemical Research shall implement the Creative  Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to works we publish. This license allows users  to copy, distribute and transmit an article, adapt the article as long as the author is  attributed or acknowledged. The CC BY license permits commercial and non-commercial reuse. The author retains copyright of their work with a Creative  Commons Attribution (CC-BY 4.0) license. 

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1119-0221
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