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Owerri residents’ perception of television for effective reporting of science, technology and innovations for sustainable development

Felicia Ijeoma Ejiogu


Television play a role peoples’ perception of science and technology in general. However, this perception vary from place to place. This study assessed the television in relation to effective reporting of science, technology and innovations for sustainable development with particular focus on Owerri residents. Owerri is one of the populated metropolitan areas in south east Nigeria. The objectives of the study are ascertaining the level of knowledge, perception and challenges of Owerri residents about science, technology and innovations on television. Survey method was adopted with a sample size of 385 arrived at using Australian online sample size calculator and derived from a population of 945,000. Multi-stage sampling technique was employed with the questionnaire as the data collection instrument. Data analysis was analysed descriptively. Findings revealed that majority (93%) of the respondents are exposed to science, technology and innovations through various television channels available in the area. Also, 93% strongly agreed and agreed that television facilitates understanding of scientific and technological innovations. 76% believe that television provides credibility for implementation of scientific and technological innovations. Inaccuracies and inadequate televised science, technology and innovations and a relative influence on respondents among others were indicated. The study concluded that there Owerri residents understand science through television and that they have positive perception of science on television. The study recommended for stronger collaboration among scientists, innovators and television journalists.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2756-3464
print ISSN: 1596-356X