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Broadcast regulation in Nigeria: An assessment of NBC’s monitoring, sanctions and public complaints

National Broadcasting Commission


Established in 1992 by decree 38, the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) is Nigeria’s apex regulatory body for the broadcast industry and draws its powers from the NBC Act Cap N11, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria, 2004. The Act empowers it to among others license, monitor and regulate the industry as well as receive complaints from the general public. Unfortunately, the Commission faces challenges in executing its mandates especially regulating certain content, particularly political which is increasingly becoming too pervasive. This is in addition to incessant accusations against the Commission for inaction in favour of certain interests whereas the public who are the complainants have the right to lodge complaint with the Commission and it is its statutory responsibility to act on it. In view of this, this paper had using survey and content analysis reviewed the performance of the NBC in the areas of monitoring, sanction and complaint with particular reference to the 2023 general elections. For the survey, 140 questionnaires were administered with a return rate of 100%. Similarly, Weekly Monitoring Reports covering the 2023 electioneering period were content-analysed. The study found that 782 sanctions were imposed on broadcasters across the country. Of this, 52% were ‘warnings’ and 18% ‘caution’. There was a drought in complaints lodgment by the public with the year 2022 recording only 9. From the survey, it was found that 90% of the Respondents have never complained about the content or conduct of the broadcasters to NBC. The paper therefore, recommends that the public shall be socially responsible to lodge complaints to the regulator for any content or conduct that is not in tandem with their cultural, social and political values. However, NBC shall sensitize the public to feel free to lodge complaint with the Commission using available mechanism for accountability.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2756-3464
print ISSN: 1596-356X