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Case Report: Generalized Cutaneous Candidiasis in a Preterm Baby in Lagos
Generalised cutaneous candidiasis is rare in the neonatal period. When it does occur there is a risk of disseminated disease, particularly in preterm infants.
A case report of a preterm baby who developed extensive cutaneous candidiasis
A 45 day old product of 30 weeks gestation noticed to develop reddish discolouration involving the perineum, lower anterior abdominal wall, both axillae, both hands and face. Treatment with topical ketoconazole and cotrimaxazole resulted in recovery.
Generalised cutaneous candidiasis in neonates is a rare disorder that results from Candida spp infection. This is probably the first report of generalised cutaneous candidiasis in neonates
from a Nigerian institution. It further draws attention to the importance of cutaneous candidiasis among the increasing population of preterm survivors in the country.
Keywords: preterm baby, cutaneous candidiasis