We present the case of an unsuspected uterine didelphys in a 28-year old woman who has had three previous caesarian sections after which an intrauterine contraceptive device was inserted. She, however, got pregnant again, was evacuated and the IUCD was removed. Persistence of the pregnancy symptoms informed a pelvic scan which confirmed a viable early intrauterine pregnancy with a suggested coexisting fibroid in the pouch of Douglas. A caesarian section was performed at term and a live female infant was delivered. Detailed scrutiny during caesarian section confirmed another uterus with its appendages on the right within the pouch of Douglas, separate from the gravid uterus on the left. This makes uterine didelphys as the probable cause of the contraceptive failure.
Key words: uterine didelphys pregnancy, caesarian section, ultrasound, contraceptive failure