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Neurological Manifestation of Behcet’s Disease: A Case Report
We present the case of A.G is a 26-year old male, was a student in a Nigerian tertiary institution and resided in Lagos and Ibadan. He presented with a 2-year history of progressive and recurrent headaches, genital and mouth ulcers and weakness of the left limbs. Physical examination revealed a right handed, conscious, but apathetic and abulic young adult.
All meningeal signs were positive. He had bilateral 6th nerve palsies, upper motor neuron (UMN) left 7th nerve palsy and a left partial ptosis. He had a bulbar speech with a cerebellar dysarthric twist and a grade 3 spastic left hemiparesis. However, his sensory system was intact and his presenting vital signs were within normal range. His brain computed tomogram confirmed areas of multiple infarcts, and a number of negative tests ruled out other possible differential diagnosis. He was treated for Behcet’s disease and had a dramatic positive response to antiplatelets and steroids.
He was adequately stabilized on an out-patient basis, when under aunt’s care in Lagos. He, however, died following his relocation to Ibadan. An autopsy could not be done.
Key Words: Behcet’s Disease, Neurological manifestations