This study was an investigation of the personal and socio-economic factors that determine female choice of courses in University of Ibadan. It is an ";ex post-facto"; research conducted under a descriptive survey design. Female students in six (Arts, Education, Pharmacy, Science, Social Sciences and Technology) out of nine faculties were purposively sampled. The total sample for the study was 270, which was randomly selected from 100L-500L in the respective departments. The standard score and the T-score were used at 0.05 level of significance for the analysis of the data collected. The variables were significant at Z 50 and not significant if Z<50. It was found that external factors such as parental influence, Guidance by counsellors were significant. Institutional factors such as: admission requirement, universities offering the course, curriculum content of the course were also significant. In addition, personal factors like attainment in the O/L subjects, ambition in life and personal interest in a course are significant. On the other way round, ease of graduation in the department, Scholarship awards and even male dominance of some disciplines were not significant in this study The study recommended inter alia that parents should encourage their wards to embrace education, which is the lasting legacy that they can bequeath on them. The government should also encourage universities to produce seasoned guidance counsellors that will offer guidance services to secondary school students in the choice of courses and career.
(Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology: 2001 7 (1&2): 81-90)