This study examined the role of duration and pattern of work on knowledge of AIDS/STDS and safer sex methods among commercial sex workers. A total of 100 commercial sex workers, randomly selected from Ibadan participated in the study. The mean age of the participants was 24.96 years. The instruments used for data collection were the AIDS/STDs knowledge questionnaire and attitude towards the use of condom scale. The study was a cross-sectional survey research. The results revealed that part-time commercial sex workers had better knowledge of AIDS/STDs than their full-time counterparts (t (98) = 2.40, P<. 05). Duration on the job did not influence commercial sex workers' knowledge of AIDS/HIV (t (98) = .22, P=n.s.). Safer sex practices for part-time and full-time commercial sex workers did not differ, (t (98) = 1.45, P<. 05). No significant differences were found for safer sex practices between commercial sex workers with long and short duration of work. An extended campaign for AIDS awareness and health education activities including programmes to improve safer sex practices among women who are not commercial sex workers were recommended in the study.
(Nigerian Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology: 2001 7 (1&2): 43-54)