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Morphological, anatomical and pollen studies of Strychnos innocua Del. from Kaduna State, Nigeria

Chinwe U. Asuzu


The anatomical description of Strychnos innocua Linn, a Nigerian species growing in the Sudan savannah, was described. Pollen grains, epidermal peel from adaxial and abaxial leaf surfaces, transverse section of the leaf lamina close to the midrib at median part of the leaf, median part of petiole, stem and root were cut and examined. Some of the striking features possessed by S. innocua include the possession of hypostomatic leaves, bicollateral vascular bundle, sclerenchyma sheath around the vascular bundle of midrib, interxylary phloem in TS of stem and presence of tricolporate and triangular pollen grains.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1115-7569
print ISSN: 0795-0128