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Taxonomic implications of foliar epidermal anatomy of Jatropha tanjorensis J.L. Ellis & Saroja and its putative parents

O.E. Nwankwo
S.A. Odewo
B.A. Ajani
K.A. Adeniji


This study was aimed to determine the relationship among three Jatropha taxa for their reliable identification. Data from reviews showed that J. curcas and J. gossipifolia are the putative parents of J. tanjorensis. Standard method of using Premier Light Microscope, concentrated Trioxonitrate (V) acid, Petri dishes, Methyl-blue and glycerol was employed to carry out the study. Results of the study showed that the three taxa possessed paracytic stomata on both surfaces except in J. gossipifolia where the stomata were only observed on abaxial surface. The cell shape was oblong in J. tanjorensis with undulate anticlinal wall patterns. In J. curcas and J. gossipifolia, the cell shapes and anticlinal wall patterns were irregular and straight, respectively. The stomatal length of the taxa ranged from 11.2 μm to 43.0 μm while the cell length was from 25.0 μm to 84.0 μm. The oblong cell shape and undulate anticlinal walls of J. tanjorensis are its diagnostic characters while the irregular cell shape and amphistomatic leaves are the diagnostic features of J. curcas. Absence of stomata on the adaxial surface with irregular cell shape is unique to J. gossipifolia. The data obtained could be used in conjunction with other characters for reliable identification of the three taxa.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1115-7569
print ISSN: 0795-0128