The Nigerian Journal of Botany is published by the Botanical Society of Nigeria (BOSON) and is devoted to disseminating results of original research in pure and applied Botany, from within and outside Nigeria.

The Nigerian Journal of Botany is published twice a year, in June and December.

Papers for publication in the journal should not have been published previously in another journal, in any other language or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The articles must be typed (word processing only) double-spaced on A4 - size paper (210 x 297 mm) on one side of the paper only. Ample margins should be left at the top (2.5 cm) bottom (1.5 cm), left (2.5 cm) and right (2 cm), for use by reviewers. Scientific names must be italicized and authority given at first mention. All pages of manuscripts, except the title page, must be numbered. Where an article is found publishable, authors are requested to submit a soft copy of the finalcorrected version in Microsoft Word 6.0 (or higher versions) format.

Manuscripts for publication should be arranged in the following sequence: Title page, Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement and References.

a. Title Page
The title page should contain the following information:
(i) A concise, specific and informative title of the paper.
(ii) A running title of not more than 7 (seven) words.
(iii) Initial(s) and surname(s) of author(s), affiliation(s) and full address (es) of author(s).
(iv) Author for correspondence as footnote if different from the first author.

b. Abstract and keywords
The abstract must not exceed 200 words and should indicate the objectives, scope, methodology, major findings and conclusions of the study.
Provide below the abstract 5-6 main words that convey the subject of the research for indexing and information retrieval purposes.

c. Introduction
This should be brief; provide background information including current level of knowledge on the research topic, clear statement of the research problem and objectives of the study.

d. Materials and Methods
Describe the study locality (where applicable), the design and set-up of experiment or other data collection tools, variables measured and details of the standard procedure and equipment employed.
All measurements must be in Standard International (S.I.) units. Data analysis tools and computer software programmes used must be clearly stated.

e. Results
Detailed results should be presented in logical sequence in the text, using Tables, Figures and Plates as illustrations where necessary. The experimental errors and statistical significance of the results should be clearly indicated.

f. Discussion
This should focus on the major findings of the study and the limitations relative to published information in related subject matter. Avoid repeating the results in this section. The results and discussion may be combined in one section entitled Results and Discussion(s). 

g. Conclusion
Conclusion may be presented as the last paragraph under Discussion or separately as a section. The conclusions should be related to the goals of the study as stated under Introduction. State clearly the solutions obtained and recommendations for further research if any.

h. Illustrations
Each Table, Figure, Plate, etc. must be prepared on separate pages and numbered with Arabic numerals. For each illustration, a short self-explanatory caption should be provided and these should be typed (double-spaced) together on a separate page. The number of table columns should be kept to a minimum and horizontal lines should not divide the entries. Plates/Photographs should be supplied un-mounted in the form of good quality glossy prints. Where there are many photographs, they should be grouped into composite pieces, but a diagram of layout must be provided. Computer drawn diagrams should be prepared using high quality printer and not on a dot matrix or equivalent printer. All illustrations should be fixed within the text following the sequence in which they are referred to. Each illustration should be submitted as the original and two very high quality photocopies. Lettering and labeling should be inserted on all illustrations.

i. Acknowledgement
The contribution of persons or organisations to the study should be clearly stated.

j. References
The Harvard (Name and Year) reference style should be followed. Citation in the text should be by author’s name and year, e.g Akueshi (1997) where it forms part of a sentence or (Bako, 1997) where it appears at the end of a sentence. Distinguish between papers published in the same year by appending alphabets a, b, c to the year (e.g. Ifenkwe, 1998 a, b). Use the abbreviation et al., for citing more than two authors (e.g. Namo et al., 1999). Where reference is made to multiple authors, a semicolon should separate them, e.g. (Ebukanson, 1998; Iortsuun, 1999; Muoghalu, 2000;
Ajibade, 2001). Check references carefully for accuracy.
All references cited in the text must be listed alphabetically by authors’ surnames followed by initials under ‘References.’ Journal names must be written in full. The following reference style should be followed:

Iortsuun, D.N. (2003). Contribution of tillers to grain yield as affected by number and plant spacing in millet (Pennisetum typhoides). Nigerian Journal of Botany, 16: 42-48.
Bako, S.P., Bello, R.A. and Bako, L.S.P. (2003). Vegetative anatomy of the loranthacean mistletoe (Tapinanthus dodoneifolius (DC) Danser. Nigerian Journal of Botany, 16: 98-104.
Esau, K. (1977). Anatomy of Seed Plants. John Wiley and Sons. New York, Santa Barbara, London, Sidney, Toronto. 550 pp.

Section of Book
Fisher, J.T. (1983). Water relations of mistletoes and their hosts. In: Calender, M. and Bernhardt, P. (Eds.). The Biology of Mistletoes. Academic Press Inc., Sydney, London. pp. 161-184.

Fineran, B.A. (1987). A structural approach towards investigating transport systems between host and parasite as exemplified by some mistletoes and root parasites. Weber, H.C. and Forstreuter, W. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Parasitic Flowering Plants. Warburg, Germany, Philips- Universiteit, Warburg. pp. 201-220.

Each paper will be assessed by at least two reviewers to be appointed by the Editorial Team. A third reviewer will be appointed where necessary. Selection of papers for publication in the journal will be based on originality of the research and contribution to scientific knowledge.

One soft copy of the manuscript written in English, along with the sum of N4,000.00 (Four Thousand Naira only) handling charges, should be sent to the Editor. Note that any manuscript(s) sent without the money will not be processed.

Articles accepted for publication will attract a page charge of N1,200.00 (One Thousand, Two Hundred Naira Only) per page for financial members of BOSON and N1,300.00 (One Thousand, Three Hundred Naira Only) per page for non-financial members. Page charges are according to number of final printed pages. Authors will bear the cost of printing illustrations in colour. Final letters of acceptance are issued only after payment of page charges. Normally, embossment of photographs, placement of tables and figures will attract extra charges equivalent to half of the page charge. Page charges and other rates may be subject to review by Council without prior notice to contributors and subscribers. Manuscripts prepared as detailed above should be sent to the Editor via akunamo@yahoo.co.uk, boson.org.ng or both.

a. Subscription Rates (Per copy)

Within Nigeria
Individuals (Financial members) = N 1,500.00
Postage = N 500.00
Individuals (non-financial members) = N 1,800.00
Postage = N 500.00
Institutions = N 2,500.00
Postage = N 500.00

Outside Nigeria
Individuals = £37.50/ $50.00
Postage = £7.00/$10.00
Institutions = £75.00/$100.00
Postage = £7.00/$10.00

b. Advertisement Rates
Black & White; Coloured
Full page N 20, 000. 00; N 40, 000. 00
Half page N 10, 000.00; N 20, 000. 00
Quarter page N 5,000.00; N 10,000. 00

c. Subscription and Order
To be sent to:
Prof. G.A. Ajibade, Business Manager,
Nigerian Journal of Botany
Department of Biological Sciences,
Faculty of Science, Nigeria Defence Academy,
Kaduna, Nigeria.
Phone No., +234(0)8059114705; E-mail: gaajibade@gmail.com or gaajibade@nda.edu.ng

d. Payments
All payments may be made in favour of BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF NIGERIA, UNION BANK OF NIGERIA
PLC SAMARU, A/C No. 0030855668.
All enquiries about payments should be directed to :
Dr. (Mrs) Doris Omoigui (Treasurer, Botanical Society of Nigeria)
Dept. of Plant Biology & Biotechnogy, University of Benin, Benin-City.
Phone No., +234(0)8029512427; E-mail: isidomoigui2014@gmail.com
The Evidence of payments of page charges should be sent to the Editor, while evidence of payments of
subscription and advertisements should be sent to the Business Manager.

e. Enquiries
Direct all enquiries to:
Professor A. A. Jayeola
Department of Botany
University of Ibadan, Ibadan.
Phone No. +234(0)8023210656
E-mail: aajayeola@yahoo.com

f. Web address

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 1115-7569
print ISSN: 0795-0128
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