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An Integrated Textual Case-Based System
Textual Case-Based Reasoning as a problem solving approach allows knowledge source to be integrated with a view to improving the effectiveness of the system during retrieval. The earlier proposed Textual Case-based System depends on statistical similarity alone and most of the time does not retrieve the solution to the problem even if it exists. In this paper, the WordNet is being integrated to the developed Textual Case-Based Mobile Phone Diagnosis Support system in order to take the synonyms similarity of the problem terms into account while diagnosing a given problem. Thus, the integration will makes the system not to depend on statistical similarity alone but rather take synonyms similarity of the problem term into consideration. The result of the experimental evaluation
using some set of problems has demonstrated that retrieval by incorporating WordNet works better since it diagnosed 95% of the problems with relevant solutions than the retrieval without WordNet which diagnosed 75% of the problems with relevant solutions.
Keywords: Textual Case-Based Reasoning, jColibri, WordNet